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Questions and strategy


​Processes that spawn inventiveness 

have two key characteristics.


  • A two-cycle strategy of 'discover and design' and 'develop and enact', and

  • A concern to customize and personalize action to the needs and aspirations of the people and groups involved in or affected by the enterprise.


The pattern of flow is shown by the

arrows in the diagram, with the diamonds

analogous to two different mindsets.


The touchstone link between the two

mindsets is when a situated and strategic

design is generated.

Frame of questions
Frame of questions
A key element in the process is the 'frame of questions' at the centre of each diamond. The indicative example below is built around the Covid-19 pandemic. Two GGQs have been selected - How does it work? and where is the ethical reasoning? 
How does Covid-19 invade the human body?
What might be the means of transfer of Covid-19?
In what ways could a Covid-19 vaccine be developed

What can people do to help limit a Covid-19 outbreak?
In what ways could 
individual and community rights be brought together?
How might a global code to combat pandemics be developed?
Which elements interact in how Covid-19 invades the body?
Could there be similarities in different social and environmental contexts?
In what ways might difficulties and faults in prevention processes be predicted

Are proposed actions culturally and ecologically responsible?
Are there any
potential conflicts and what are they about?
In what ways mi
ght existing prevention strategies need to be modified?
How does it work?

is the ethical reasoning?
Discover and design cycle.
In what ways can people take action to prevent infection?
do different Covid-19 vaccines work and how reliable will they become?
Why have so many different types of Covid-19 been produced?

Should guidelines for prevention of Covid-19 be legally enforced?
How should 
national and state Covid-19 responsibilities be determined?
How should non-vaccine people and deliberate misinformation be handled?

In what ways do extended lockdowns for Covid-19 affect mental health? 
How do age and social circumstances affect the severity on Covid-19?
How can the impact of health services be managed, and health workers supported?

Should there be open access to the incidence/severity of Covid infections?
What regulations should be placed on Covid-19 vaccine producers?
How can vaccines be more equitably distributed, and hoarding prevented? 
Develop and enact cycle
How does it work?

is the ethical reasoning?
Principles of procedure
Recurrent refinement
The CQs and PQs originally selected often need to be modified or adapted, even transformed, in response to emerging discoveries and insights or changing conditions. In these circumstances sticking with those first identified is
analogous to implementing a plan of action that is no longer appropriate or effective. 
Selected GGQs are much less likely to need changing. Although others may need
to be added.

Extent of questions
CQs and PQs that direct and shape investigations need to be manageable.  Too many
can become unwieldy, even confusing. The irony is a lack of or dilution in purpose. Instead
they need to be prioritized without losing the scope of questions posed.

Sometimes differentiating between CQs and PQs is difficult, almost impossible. In these
circumstances attempting to do so can be counterproductive and an unnecessary distraction.
Better to leave them as a 'job lot'.

Nature of the activity
The context in which an inquiry is couched affects the way the 'double diamond' for inventiveness is applied. 
  • A developmental project from the ground up would probably engage both 'discover and design' and 'development and enact' cycles, most likely in that order.
  • A project focused on refinement of extant practices might only need to engage the 'develop and enact' cycle.
  • A project that starts with refining extant practice may need to backtrack to the 'design and development' cycle if extant action is found to inadequate to the point of no longer being useful or effective.
Thinking purposefully
The impact of questions is affected by their style. 'Wonderment'
questions explore the unknown outside the field of previous experience.
'Vexing' questions dig deeply into what is already known or experienced. 
When 'wonderment' and 'vexing' questions are applied in combination
the intensity of investigative dialogues is often enhanced.

Intention also affects exploratory dialogues. Critical thinking focuses on
analysis whereas creative thinking is concerned with alternative and
novel ideasJuxtaposing both thinking strategies often provides the
tension needed for outcomes to be innovative and practicable. 
Scope of inquiry
Depending upon need and circumstance projects and inquiries need to
encompass a broad range of issues and perspectives. In what ways do
they, or should they, encompass-
  • Cultural and ethos, not just isolated bits and pieces
  • Depth and subtlety of information, not simplistic or thin data
  • Lifeworld issues, not just a smorgasboard of matters
  • Innovation and improvisation, not just an assemblage of ideas and practices
  • Vision and forward thinking, not jus a search for reputable destinations.
Who's questions
It is important to recognize who is posing the questions being addressed in a project/inquiry. Are they collaborative group questions or do they represent questions in the mind of leaders? Or are they personal questions peculiar to each person involved?
Different people typically have unique perceptions of the same question.  A challenge is to build a shared understanding of what they mean through collaborative dialogue. And at the same time appreciate and respect individual interpretations and emphasizes. Especially as the sensemaking required is inevitably personal.
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Building an inquiry
An evolving set of activities 
The activities embedded in inquiry processes benefit from a clear yet flexible structure. The illustrative set of performances, shown in the table, represents an iterative process, not a lock-step mechanism.

The three strategic groupings of activities are different in nature and intention.
  • Getting started - focuses, albeit not exclusively, on the context for an inquiry.
  • Growing further - focuses, albeit not exclusively, on the content being explored.
  • Appraising action - focuses, albeit not exclusively, on the outcomes that emerge.
Digital world
Digital technologies have transformed the way people live and work. 
  • People can access and own a wide range of Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) from laptops to mobile phones and electronic watches. Each of which is loaded with an extensive range of software functions.
  • Internet, video conferencing, and online virtual programs are fast becoming ubiquitous.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) is growing exponentially with huge innovation, practicable systems, and ethical challenges yet to be addressed.
These digital tools have enormous import for the growth and development of inventiveness, inquiry processes, and question-led activities in education, business and in the community settings.  All of which raises issues such as those outlined in the graphic below. Indeed, it is difficult to overstate the importance of people becoming discerning thinkers. What needs, or should, be developed and how AI should be applied are enduring questions. Dialogues on future directions are increasing in intensity.
Things do not happen. They are made to happen. (John F. Kennedy)
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Thinking direction
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Questions, curiosity, inquiry, learning, climate, change, teaching, Resources, community, development, expertise, talents, challenge, collaboration, project, co-design, co-construction, 

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